A string containing HTML code.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar HTML
link Require by
- CommentRepresents a comment.
- CommitRepresents a Git commit.
- CommitCommentRepresents a comment on a given Commit.
- GistCommentRepresents a comment on an Gist.
- IssueAn Issue is a place to discuss ideas, enhancements, tasks, and bugs for a project.
- IssueCommentRepresents a comment on an Issue.
- IssueishShared features of Issues and Pull Requests.
- ProjectProjects manage issues, pull requests and notes within a project owner.
- PullRequestA repository pull request.
- PullRequestReviewA review object for a given pull request.
- PullRequestReviewCommentA review comment associated with a given repository pull request.
- RepositoryA repository contains the content for a project.
- RepositoryInfoA subset of repository info.
- RepositoryInvitationRepositoryA subset of repository info shared with potential collaborators.
- UserA user is an individual's account on GitHub that owns repositories and can make new content.