Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- AddPullRequestReviewCommentInputAutogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewComment
- AuthorRepresents an object which can create content. Typically a User or Bot.
- BlameRangeRepresents a range of information from a Git blame.
- BlobRepresents a Git blob.
- BotA special type of user which takes actions on behalf of integrations.
- CommitRepresents a Git commit.
- CommitCommentRepresents a comment on a given Commit.
- CommitCommentConnectionThe connection type for CommitComment.
- CommitConnectionThe connection type for Commit.
- DeploymentRepresents triggered deployment instance.
- DeploymentStatusConnectionThe connection type for DeploymentStatus.
- DraftPullRequestReviewCommentSpecifies a review comment to be left with a Pull Request Review.
- FollowerConnectionThe connection type for User.
- FollowingConnectionThe connection type for User.
- GistConnectionThe connection type for Gist.
- GitActorRepresents an actor in a Git commit (ie. an author or committer).
- IssueAn Issue is a place to discuss ideas, enhancements, tasks, and bugs for a project.
- IssueCommentRepresents a comment on an Issue.
- IssueCommentConnectionThe connection type for IssueComment.
- IssueConnectionThe connection type for Issue.
- IssueishShared features of Issues and Pull Requests.
- IssueTimelineConnectionThe connection type for IssueTimelineItem.
- LabelA label for categorizing Issues or Milestones with a given Repository.
- LabelConnectionThe connection type for Label.
- LanguageConnectionA list of languages associated with the parent.
- LanguageEdgeRepresents the language of a repository.
- MilestoneRepresents a Milestone object on a given repository.
- MilestoneConnectionThe connection type for Milestone.
- OrganizationAn account on GitHub, with one or more owners, that has repositories, members and teams.
- OrganizationConnectionThe connection type for Organization.
- OrganizationInvitationConnectionThe connection type for OrganizationInvitation.
- ProjectProjects manage issues, pull requests and notes within a project owner.
- ProjectCardA card in a project.
- ProjectCardConnectionThe connection type for ProjectCard.
- ProjectColumnA column inside a project.
- ProjectColumnConnectionThe connection type for ProjectColumn.
- ProjectConnectionThe connection type for Project.
- ProjectOwnerRepresents an owner of a Project.
- ProtectedBranchA repository protected branch.
- ProtectedBranchConnectionThe connection type for ProtectedBranch.
- PullRequestA repository pull request.
- PullRequestConnectionThe connection type for PullRequest.
- PullRequestReviewA review object for a given pull request.
- PullRequestReviewCommentA review comment associated with a given repository pull request.
- PullRequestReviewCommentConnectionThe connection type for PullRequestReviewComment.
- PullRequestReviewConnectionThe connection type for PullRequestReview.
- PullRequestReviewThreadA threaded list of comments for a given pull request.
- QueryThe query root of GitHub's GraphQL interface.
- ReactableRepresents a subject that can be reacted on.
- ReactingUserConnectionThe connection type for User.
- ReactionAn emoji reaction to a particular piece of content.
- ReactionConnectionA list of reactions that have been left on the subject.
- ReactionGroupA group of emoji reactions to a particular piece of content.
- RefRepresents a Git reference.
- RefConnectionThe connection type for Ref.
- ReleaseA release contains the content for a release.
- ReleaseAssetConnectionThe connection type for ReleaseAsset.
- ReleaseConnectionThe connection type for Release.
- RepositoryA repository contains the content for a project.
- RepositoryConnectionA list of repositories owned by the subject.
- RepositoryOwnerRepresents an owner of a Repository.
- ReviewDismissalAllowanceConnectionThe connection type for ReviewDismissalAllowance.
- ReviewRequestA request for a user to review a pull request.
- ReviewRequestConnectionThe connection type for ReviewRequest.
- SearchResultItemConnectionA list of results that matched against a search query.
- StargazerConnectionThe connection type for User.
- StarredRepositoryConnectionThe connection type for Repository.
- TeamA team of users in an organization.
- TeamConnectionThe connection type for Team.
- TimelineRepresents all of the events visible to a user from an Issue or PullRequest timeline.
- TreeEntryRepresents a Git tree entry.
- UserA user is an individual's account on GitHub that owns repositories and can make new content.
- UserConnectionThe connection type for User.