Represents a unique identifier that is Base64 obfuscated. It is often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "VXNlci0xMA=="
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar ID
link Require by
- AddCommentInputAutogenerated input type of AddComment
- AddProjectCardInputAutogenerated input type of AddProjectCard
- AddProjectColumnInputAutogenerated input type of AddProjectColumn
- AddPullRequestReviewCommentInputAutogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewComment
- AddPullRequestReviewInputAutogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReview
- AddReactionInputAutogenerated input type of AddReaction
- AssignedEventRepresents an 'assigned' event on a given issue or pull request.
- BaseRefForcePushedEventRepresents a 'base_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
- BlobRepresents a Git blob.
- BotA special type of user which takes actions on behalf of integrations.
- ClosedEventRepresents a 'closed' event on a given issue or pull request.
- CommentRepresents a comment.
- CommitRepresents a Git commit.
- CommitAuthorSpecifies an author for filtering Git commits.
- CommitCommentRepresents a comment on a given Commit.
- CreateProjectInputAutogenerated input type of CreateProject
- DeleteProjectCardInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteProjectCard
- DeleteProjectCardPayloadAutogenerated return type of DeleteProjectCard
- DeleteProjectColumnInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteProjectColumn
- DeleteProjectColumnPayloadAutogenerated return type of DeleteProjectColumn
- DeleteProjectInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteProject
- DeletePullRequestReviewInputAutogenerated input type of DeletePullRequestReview
- DemilestonedEventRepresents a 'demilestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
- DeployedEventRepresents a 'deployed' event on a given issue or pull request.
- DeploymentRepresents triggered deployment instance.
- DeploymentStatusDescribes the status of a given deployment attempt.
- DismissPullRequestReviewInputAutogenerated input type of DismissPullRequestReview
- GistA Gist.
- GistCommentRepresents a comment on an Gist.
- GitObjectRepresents a Git object.
- HeadRefDeletedEventRepresents a 'head_ref_deleted' event on a given pull request.
- HeadRefForcePushedEventRepresents a 'head_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
- HeadRefRestoredEventRepresents a 'head_ref_restored' event on a given pull request.
- IssueAn Issue is a place to discuss ideas, enhancements, tasks, and bugs for a project.
- IssueCommentRepresents a comment on an Issue.
- IssueishShared features of Issues and Pull Requests.
- LabelA label for categorizing Issues or Milestones with a given Repository.
- LabeledEventRepresents a 'labeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
- LanguageRepresents a given language found in repositories.
- LockedEventRepresents a 'locked' event on a given issue or pull request.
- MentionedEventRepresents a 'mentioned' event on a given issue or pull request.
- MergedEventRepresents a 'merged' event on a given pull request.
- MilestoneRepresents a Milestone object on a given repository.
- MilestonedEventRepresents a 'milestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
- MoveProjectCardInputAutogenerated input type of MoveProjectCard
- MoveProjectColumnInputAutogenerated input type of MoveProjectColumn
- NodeAn object with an ID.
- OrganizationAn account on GitHub, with one or more owners, that has repositories, members and teams.
- OrganizationInvitationAn Invitation for a user to an organization.
- ProjectProjects manage issues, pull requests and notes within a project owner.
- ProjectCardA card in a project.
- ProjectColumnA column inside a project.
- ProjectOwnerRepresents an owner of a Project.
- ProtectedBranchA repository protected branch.
- PullRequestA repository pull request.
- PullRequestReviewA review object for a given pull request.
- PullRequestReviewCommentA review comment associated with a given repository pull request.
- PullRequestReviewThreadA threaded list of comments for a given pull request.
- QueryThe query root of GitHub's GraphQL interface.
- ReactableRepresents a subject that can be reacted on.
- ReactionAn emoji reaction to a particular piece of content.
- RefRepresents a Git reference.
- ReferencedEventRepresents a 'referenced' event on a given issue or pull request.
- ReleaseA release contains the content for a release.
- ReleaseAssetA release asset contains the content for a release asset.
- RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInputAutogenerated input type of RemoveOutsideCollaborator
- RemoveReactionInputAutogenerated input type of RemoveReaction
- RenamedEventRepresents a 'renamed' event on a given issue or pull request or pull request.
- ReopenedEventRepresents a 'reopened' event on a given issue or pull request.
- RepositoryA repository contains the content for a project.
- RepositoryInvitationAn invitation for a user to be added to a repository.
- RepositoryOwnerRepresents an owner of a Repository.
- RequestReviewsInputAutogenerated input type of RequestReviews
- ReviewDismissalAllowanceA team or user who as the ability to dismiss a review on a protected branch.
- ReviewDismissedEventRepresents a 'review_dismissed' event on a given issue or pull request.
- ReviewRequestA request for a user to review a pull request.
- ReviewRequestedEventRepresents an 'review_requested' event on a given pull request.
- ReviewRequestRemovedEventRepresents an 'review_request_removed' event on a given pull request.
- StatusRepresents a commit status.
- StatusContextRepresents an individual commit status context
- SubmitPullRequestReviewInputAutogenerated input type of SubmitPullRequestReview
- SubscribedEventRepresents a 'subscribed' event on a given issue or pull request.
- TagRepresents a Git tag.
- TeamA team of users in an organization.
- TreeRepresents a Git tree.
- UnassignedEventRepresents a 'unassigned' event on a given issue or pull request.
- UnlabeledEventRepresents a 'unlabeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
- UnlockedEventRepresents a 'unlocked' event on a given issue or pull request.
- UnsubscribedEventRepresents a 'unsubscribed' event on a given issue or pull request.
- UpdateProjectCardInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateProjectCard
- UpdateProjectColumnInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateProjectColumn
- UpdateProjectInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateProject
- UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInputAutogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReviewComment
- UpdatePullRequestReviewInputAutogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReview
- UpdateSubscriptionInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateSubscription
- UserA user is an individual's account on GitHub that owns repositories and can make new content.