Emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum ReactionContent {
- # Represents the 👍 emoji.
- # Represents the 👎 emoji.
- # Represents the 😄 emoji.
- # Represents the 🎉 emoji.
- # Represents the 😕 emoji.
- # Represents the ❤️ emoji.
- }
link Require by
- AddReactionInputAutogenerated input type of AddReaction
- CommitCommentRepresents a comment on a given Commit.
- IssueAn Issue is a place to discuss ideas, enhancements, tasks, and bugs for a project.
- IssueCommentRepresents a comment on an Issue.
- PullRequestA repository pull request.
- PullRequestReviewCommentA review comment associated with a given repository pull request.
- ReactableRepresents a subject that can be reacted on.
- ReactionAn emoji reaction to a particular piece of content.
- ReactionGroupA group of emoji reactions to a particular piece of content.
- RemoveReactionInputAutogenerated input type of RemoveReaction